TTFX Trade Copier is a powerful tool offering you a complete copying solution for the forex industry. This tool is unique and great for copying transactions remotely between multiple accounts in different locations over the Internet, as well as locally on the same computer.
This is the perfect solution for a signal provider who wants to share their trade with other participants around the world according to their own rules. One vendor can copy transactions to multiple recipients, and one recipient can also receive transactions from multiple vendors. The provider can even set a subscription expiration date for each recipient so that the recipient cannot receive the signal after that time.
Each provider account can be copied to an unlimited number of local recipients and an unlimited number of remote recipients at the same time.
With this copier, you can run your own business by copying your trade to clients and spreading your success around the world.
Distinctive features:
Fully automated copying
Super fast and precise copying
Support both Provider and Receiver
Support both Local and Remote mode
Support both Trade and Signal mode
Multi Providers and Receivers allowed
Support unlimited local receivers
Allow set subscription expiry for each receiver
Work with all brokers and symbols
Manage Providers / Receivers inside MT4 or another trading platforms and exported .csv file
Send signal to receiver's email & mobile
Advance lotsize management
Support all types of order adjustment
Support hidden SL / TP option
Flexible copy filtering
Support partial close / close by / hedged orders
Support inverted copying
Anti-slippage & anti-lagging trade
Auto recovery after shutdown
Compatible with manual trading and other EAs
Real-time control panel
Auto update new version